Ishant Bhurani

Hello, I'm Ishant Bhurani. I'm a full-stack developer. I enjoy building apps, and solving complex problems.

About me

Hey there! Welcome! With over a decade in the tech trenches, I've done a bit of everything - from tinkering with electronics to diving deep into IoT, firmware, and web & mobile development gigs. I've been all over the map, teaching tech, freelancing, and diving headfirst into full-stack projects.

When it comes to languages, I'm like a polyglot, speaking C, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Dart fluently. Debugging? It's kind of my thing. I've tackled everything from Provider to Firebase and mastered the MERN stack along the way. Always up for a challenge, I thrive on learning new stuff and keeping up with the latest tech trends.

So, whether you're looking to team up on a project or just chat tech over a virtual coffee, I'm all ears! Let's make something awesome together!

My skills

My projects

Flutter Todo App

An elegant Todo App built with Flutter. It supports dark mode, provider, and data persistence with Isar.

  • Flutter
  • Provider
  • Isar
  • Shared Preferences

Money Tracker

A fully responsive MERN stack app to track your daily expenses. It supports JWT based email & password authentication.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Tailwind
  • TypeScript


A fully responsive e-commerce app. It support Google authentication. It has a product carousel, products list, and slide-in cart modal.

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Tailwind
  • Firebase